True identity
This is a picture of my home. The beautiful island of Guam.
When I arrived in NY from Guam for university, I was asked if I lived in a grass hut. I was shocked to say the least. Growing up, we learned all the states and their capitals. We took US history like everyone else. I couldn’t believe a fellow American would ask me this question. I’ll save my response for another day, but I did, at the tender age of 17, stuff it down and try to assimilate into my surroundings, even though it meant losing my identity.
Why do I share this brief story? To encourage and push you to NOT lose your identity. Don’t try to assimilate for the sake of being “liked” or “fitting in” or even to avoid uncomfortable conversations.
We all need to stand up for ourselves. Our identity. Our culture. And teach others about our differences and celebrate them.
Only then can we all stay true to ourselves, be kind to ourselves and others, and share this one life we all have.
Rise up even if you make waves. Losing yourself is never worth it.